End user domain name sales led by a .xyz domain

A web3 technology company, two restaurant chains and an industrial vacuum cleaner business bought domain names.

The words "end user domain sales" next to a money bag on a green background

Sedo dropped three weeks of domain name sales this week. For my first end user report, I reviewed the list of domains that sold just before Christmas.

The top sale that week was culinary.com, but it’s unclear who paid $80,000 for the domain name.

Here’s a list of domain names from that week for which I could figure out the buyer. You can view previous lists like this here.

Ten.xyz $29,888 – Ten is a web3 technology for encrypting Ethereum.

EnergieAusweis.de €17,850 – Ausweis is German for ID, and this domain forwards to a site that helps people create energy certificates.

nfit.com $8,888 – neuroFit, Inc. is a neuroscience company that spun out of NASA. It uses the domain name neurofit.tech.

All-on-4.com €7,500 – All-On-4 is a dentures technology business. All-on-4 is a dental implant term.

AdPartners.de €7,500 – AdPartners is a digital advertising agency.

Momomia.com $5,000 – MomoMia is an Indian food restaurant chain specializing in a dumpling called momo.

Websocket.org €4,000 – This domain resolves to a page about the websocket technology. It doesn’t disclose who is behind the site.

Foerderlotse.de €2,995 – This domain forwards to the site of Deutsche Fördermittelberatung Steidele GmbH, a company that provides funding services.

BYD-auto.de €2,980 – This website provides information about buying a BYD brand car in Germany.

Veganland.de €2,500 – VeganLand is a vegan restaurant chain in Germany.

IndustriesAuger.de €2,500 – Ruwac Industries Auguer forwards this domain to its website. The company makes industrial vacuum cleaners.

Unblocked .lol $2,500 – This site helps people access blocked websites.

Post link: End user domain name sales led by a .xyz domain

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