End user domain name sales led by a .xyz domain
A web3 technology company, two restaurant chains and an industrial vacuum cleaner business bought domain names.
Sedo dropped three weeks of domain name sales this week. For my first end user report, I reviewed the list of domains that sold just before Christmas.
The top sale that week was culinary.com, but it’s unclear who paid $80,000 for the domain name.
Here’s a list of domain names from that week for which I could figure out the buyer. You can view previous lists like this here.
Ten.xyz $29,888 – Ten is a web3 technology for encrypting Ethereum.
EnergieAusweis.de €17,850 – Ausweis is German for ID, and this domain forwards to a site that helps people create energy certificates.
nfit.com $8,888 – neuroFit, Inc. is a neuroscience company that spun out of NASA. It uses the domain name neurofit.tech.
All-on-4.com €7,500 – All-On-4 is a dentures technology business. All-on-4 is a dental implant term.
AdPartners.de €7,500 – AdPartners is a digital advertising agency.
Momomia.com $5,000 – MomoMia is an Indian food restaurant chain specializing in a dumpling called momo.
Websocket.org €4,000 – This domain resolves to a page about the websocket technology. It doesn’t disclose who is behind the site.
Foerderlotse.de €2,995 – This domain forwards to the site of Deutsche Fördermittelberatung Steidele GmbH, a company that provides funding services.
BYD-auto.de €2,980 – This website provides information about buying a BYD brand car in Germany.
Veganland.de €2,500 – VeganLand is a vegan restaurant chain in Germany.
IndustriesAuger.de €2,500 – Ruwac Industries Auguer forwards this domain to its website. The company makes industrial vacuum cleaners.
Unblocked .lol $2,500 – This site helps people access blocked websites.
Post link: End user domain name sales led by a .xyz domain
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