The domains in Spain stay mainly in .com, but…

.Com is king in Spain, but there are some common alternatives.

Advertisements in Spain. On left, and on right, one for
It’s not just a .com world in Spain.

I spent the past couple of weeks on vacation in Spain, so my apologies for the lower volume of domain news during that time.

I started my travels in Barcelona and then spent a few days in Madrid while taking a day trip to Segovia.

It’s always interesting to see which top level domains people use in different countries. When you leave the U.S., you realize it’s not just a .com world.

To be sure, the most common top level domain I saw when traveling was .com. But there was a higher proportion of domains than I see in the U.S.

In Barcelona, the most common alternative was .cat, which shouldn’t come as a surprise. I also saw a couple of .barcelona domains, especially at major tourist sites.

The other TLD I noticed was Spain’s .es country code domain.

In Madrid, everything I noticed was .com or .es.

Post link: The domains in Spain stay mainly in .com, but…

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