What people are registering in .xyz vs. what is selling in the aftermarket

People are registering lots of web3 terms in .xyz, but these aren’t the names leading the aftermarket.

.xyz logo has white letters in a purple outline

.Xyz has become a popular top level domain name for web3 projects. But most of the .xyz domains that sell for big bucks don’t have web3 terms in them.

Consider the 18 five-figure .xyz domain sales this year that were developed as of May. They’re mostly one word domains like curious.xyz, beem.xyz and vessel.xyz.

Only one of these domains has a hint of web3 in the second level domain — storyverse.xyz.

In some ways, including a web3 term in the second level is redundant because .xyz is synonymous with web3.

Yet, when it comes to what people are hand-registering in .xyz, they’re all-in on web3 terms. Here are the most common words registered in .xyz last month:

  1. web
  2. art
  3. meta
  4. app
  5. bet
  6. verse
  7. shop
  8. dao
  9. nft
  10. tech

Half of these terms are directly tied to web3.

There are two possible conclusions. One is that people are hand registering domains with these terms for projects, while the big ticket aftermarket sales are one word brandables. Or, domain investors are registering the wrong kind of domain if they’re looking for a big payday.

You can see the full XYZ report here.


Post link: What people are registering in .xyz vs. what is selling in the aftermarket

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