Vercara launches UltraDNS TLD for top level domain nameservers

Neustar’s former security business launches new product for top level domain operators.

Vercara logo with stylized V in purple and the word "vercara"

Security company Vercara has launched UltraDNS TLD and UltraDNS TLD², building off its existing UltraDNS product.

The company’s name might be new to many people, but Vercara is what was formerly known as Neustar Security Services. Neustar offered UltraDNS for two decades, and, with its connection to the registry business (now owned by GoDaddy), it has powered domain names, including .biz and .co.

While UltraDNS is Vercara’s solution for authoritative DNS zones, UltraDNS TLD provides global resolution for queries to top level domain nameservers operated on behalf of internet registries.

Vercara pitches the product to be used alongside an existing network to provide redundancy, or customers can use the fully redundant version called UltraDNS TLD².

The company says customers can use UltraDNS TLD for compliance with ICANN registry and registrar TLD standards.

Post link: Vercara launches UltraDNS TLD for top level domain nameservers

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