Roman Polanski fails to take down site about sex offenses
Polanski asked World Intellectual Property Organization to rule that the site was cybersquatting.
Embattled film director Roman Polanski has failed to take down a website about sexual misconduct accusations against him.
Polanksi filed a cybersquatting dispute with World Intellectual Property Organization against the domain name
The site mentions some of the accusations against Polanski and requests people to submit tips about him.
The three-person panel ruled that Polanski didn’t show the domain was registered and used in bad faith, nor did he show that the registrant, Matan Uziel, lacked rights or legitimate interests in the domain name.
Generally speaking, WIPO panels will find that legitimate complaint sites that are not created for commercial gain are not cases of cybersquatting.
Post link: Roman Polanski fails to take down site about sex offenses
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