How to update your parking for ad transition
Add your GoDaddy customer number to continue serving PPC ads.
GoDaddy acquired last month, and the first partnership change as a result will be domain parking ads.
Previously, Dan partnered with Bodis to provide a hybrid landing page on domains. This page included ads and a purchase box.
Starting August 25, the ads will be served by GoDaddy.
Swapping out the ad account is easy. You log into your Dan account, click on Settings > Integrations, and enter your GoDaddy customer number in the box.
It’s worth noting that the hybrid parking pages don’t look like they used to. When I wrote about the Dan/Bodis integration in May, the pages looked like this:
The hybrid pages with the GoDaddy integration will look like this:
In other words, it will look like most PPC landers out there with a very small link to buy the domain. A support representative said that the Bodis integration previously changed to pages similar to this, but that must have happened very recently.
The upside is that you can get a PPC page similar to what you get with Afternic but pay only a 9% commission if someone clicks through to buy the domain. The downside is the landing pages downplay the purchase option. Most domain investors have moved on from this lander type in favor of For Sale only landers.
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