How many .xyz and other big ticket domain sales from 2022 are developed already?
Many six-figure domain purchases haven’t been put to use yet.
One of the arguments I hear from people who think big .xyz sales are faked is that the most expensive domains haven’t been developed.
Indeed, when a domain is developed by the buyer, it’s a good sign that it’s a legit sale. And it’s worthwhile to inspect big sales that don’t get developed. So I looked at sales for $100,000-$200,000 on DNJournal’s top sales chart for last year. Here’s what I found:
6 .xyz domains sold
- 1 developed
- 1 forwarded to live website
- 1 with a coming soon page put up by the buyer
- 3 undeveloped/parked/don’t resolve
15 .com domains sold
- 5 developed
- 2 forwarded
- 0 coming soon
- 8 undeveloped/parked/don’t resolve
7 other domains sold
- 2 developed
- 1 forwarded
- 2 coming soon
- 2 undeveloped/parked/don’t resolve
It’s a small sample size to draw conclusions from. Especially in web3, where many companies fail to get their ideas off the ground.
One thing I can say with certainty is that sometimes people spend six figures on domains and don’t develop them in short order. The same can even be said for seven figure domains.
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