Going to ICANN75? You’ll need to download a tracking app

Government tracking app might be controversial.

Image of Malaysia with the words ICANN75

Attendees of ICANN’s upcoming Annual General Meeting in Malaysia will need to comply with Malaysian covid rules that might seem overhanded depending on where they currently reside.

First, all visitors to Malaysia must download and use a tracking app. MySejahtera is used for contract-tracing efforts.

Second, masks are currently required everywhere indoors in Malaysia. Masks were required at the last ICANN meeting The Hague, so this won’t be a big change.

Finally, if you contract covid while in Malaysia, you must quarantine for seven days. You can end quarantine after four days if you test negative with a supervised test.

ICANN is nixing a session registration system it used at its last meeting. Instead, when too many people attend a session to maintain six-foot physical distancing, ICANN will allow people to sit closer together.

ICANN75 takes place in Kuala Lumpur from September 17-22. Pre-registration is required to attend. Participants can also participate in the event remotely.

Post link: Going to ICANN75? You’ll need to download a tracking app

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