GMO offers blockchain domains to Japanese market

Company creates standalone site to sell Unstoppable Domains blockchain domains.

Homepage of CryptoName by GMO, offering search of blockchain based domains
GMO launched CryptoName to resell Unstoppable Domains alt-root domains.

GMO Internet Group, a large domain name company in Japan, has created a new site to promote blockchain domain names to its customers in Japan.

CryptoName by GMO is a partnership with Unstoppable Domains, one of the blockchain-based naming platforms.

Unstoppable Domains says this is the first partnership it has done with a traditional domain name registrar.

GMO is selling the domains on a unique site rather than one of its regular registrar brand sites. There are three registrars I’m aware of that intermingle ICANN-managed domains with alt-root blockchain domains. Namecheap and PorkBun sell Handshake second level domains, and Encirca acts as a go-between for companies wishing to register .eth Ethereum Name Service domains and some Handshake domains. (Listen to an interview with Encirca president Thomas Barrett here.)

I think GMO’s approach is smart. Blockchain domains are currently used for fundamentally different purposes than regular domains (wallet addresses vs. websites). Offering them on a traditional registrar search, at least at this point in time, would likely cause confusion. Additionally, there are unanswered questions about name collisions between competing blockchain naming platforms and, ultimately, the ICANN root. This could create issues in the future for traditional registrars selling blockchain domains.

Post link: GMO offers blockchain domains to Japanese market

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