A baker’s dozen end user sales at Sedo

A recipe blogger, a Greek supermarket chain, and a senior housing company bought domain names.

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Sedo’s top sale this week was SkyWin.com for $275,000. The name doesn’t resolve, and its Whois record is private. There are a handful of trademarks on SkyWin, so perhaps it’s one of those companies. Besides the price, this sale is notable because it was a SedoMLS sale through Namecheap.

The marketplace also sold nevis.com for $100,000. It’s too early to tell who bought that domain, too.

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo for which I could figure out the buyer. You can view previous lists like this here.

Termine.ch €12,000 – The same company that bought Termin.de for €150,000 and, more recently, Termin.at for €2,990, bought this domain and forwards it to termine.de. Termine is an online calendaring tool.

FinFix.com $9,000 – ACT Inc, a business consulting and technology firm, bought this domain. The website has a logo for FinFix and says it’s coming in 2024.

Cycology.com $7,500 – This is a nice upgrade for Cycology, which sells clothing for bicycling. Its domain name is CycologyClothing.com.

Vistasoft.com €6,300 – Dürr Dental sells dental machinery including x-ray machines. Vistasoft is the name of its software product.

BlogChef.com $4,500 – Online recipe site BlogChef forwards this domain to its site at the matching .net domain name.

IMCE.com $3,999 – This domain forwards to IMCE.nl, the website for IMC, an industrial brake and friction company.

Supermarkets.gr €3,600 – This domain forwards to the website for Greek supermarket chain Masoutis.

MC-media.de €3,500 – MC Media is an online marketing agency to help companies recruit employees. It forwards this domain to its website at marcchatzidimpas.de.

WealthPlan.us $2,998 – XETA Capital is a wealth management company in the crypto space.

BoostPerformance.de €2,995 – Boost Performance is a line of auto parts.

Corey.co $2,995 – Entrepreneur Corey Haines bought this domain.

CharlieWard .com £2,500 – This domain forwards to the matching .tv domain, run by a guy named Charlie Ward. His bio says he moves physical currency for governments. A lot of his videos are doomsdayesque.

Ovelia.com €2,300 – Ovelia is a senior housing company in France. It forwards this domain to the matching .fr.

Post link: A baker’s dozen end user sales at Sedo

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